Balanced Body Health, LLC.

Healing is a process. One step at a time.



Hello and welcome!

Massage is subjective. As professionals we understand A&P, Kinesiology, and the principles of bodywork. Your issues might very well be universal in location and cause, but your body is unique to your lifestyle and physiological needs.

I understand this completely. 

When you are on my table for the first time I am able to map out your particular issues and regions to formulate a good plan of treatment. These might change over time as we continue to normalize tissue that is de-conditioned or traumatized. 

The body wants to maintain stasis. The body wants to neutralize. Our daily lives challenge these needs more and more. I subscribe to healthy living within your own lifestyle. The gym, healthy eating choices, sleep, and general overall mental health are again, subjective. What works for one person might not work the next.

So, we discuss options. Consistency depends on your goals, and they don't have to be lofty--just what fits your lifestyle. 

I look forward to meeting you soon!


Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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